Act for change: Schools out

Read on to find out how Schools Out got on during Act for change month.

“With the support of the funding from Borders Act For Change, we were able to plan and begin significant improvements to our outdoor space. The goal was to create an engaging and educational environment that encourages wildlife, supports sustainability and enhances children’s learning experiences. Our long-term project is being carried out by school-aged children and supporting adults during after-school club which began in the February Half Term Holiday Club. Children actively participated in researching and sharing ideas for improving our space including:

· Nature walks and bug hunts to observe local wildlife, gather inspiration and understanding how to link the local environment with our outdoor space

· Hands on gardening, purchasing child-friendly tools, seeds, plants and a small greenhouse. Children sowed seeds, continue to care for them and later transfer to our new vegetable patch. This supports their knowledge of the ‘soil to fork’ process – growing food to eat and share with the community, contributing positively to their environment

· Designing, building and painting bird boxes and butterfly houses as well as creating natural bird feeders We will continue enhancing and maintaining this new space by improving draining, planting a fruit tree, fixing fencing, building a bug hotel and expanding our vegetable patch by caring throughout the year and plant seasonal produce.”

Well done team! What a fab project.


Act for change: Real wood studios


Act for change: Cornucopia