aBOUT sbcan
Welcome to the scottish borders climate action network (sbcan)
SBCAN is funded by the Scottish government and has the aim of supporting community-led climate action across the Scottish Borders Region.
We are a part of the national network of Scottish regions dedicated to community-led climate action. You can find more information on the national project here.
What does the project do?
Build awareness of the climate emergency and actions local groups and communities can take to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Help groups identify funding opportunities
Signpost to organisations & agencies who can offer support
Offer targeted funding to support Community Climate Action
Support communities to design and implement climate action projects
Facilitate networking and capacity-building
Facilitate learning and development through provision of training and support materials
Raise awareness of climate change and the actions communities can take to mitigate and adapt to climate change
Ensure a more joined-up approach to tackling climate change at a regional level.
Create opportunities for partnership working and collaboration
Meet The team
We are a small team all locally based in the Borders, we are being hosted by the Southern Uplands Partnership and our main office is in Lindean, Galashiels.
We are:
Isla Wightman - Project Co-ordinator (pictured left)
Ayliffe Rose - Community Development Lead (pictured middle)
Caitlin Hume - Community Development Lead (pictured right)