Act for change: live borders

Live Borders ran a number of workshops across Act for Change month on circular economy and reusing materials. Here is what they had to say about their week!

“Here at Live Borders Arts & Creativity we ran four workshops around the themes of recycling: Odd Socks, Collage, Fabric Botanicals and Found Objects. The workshops were aimed at adults 18+ and we approached our participants through our existing mailing list but also through NHS Borders. Some participants attended all the workshops and expressed how much they had enjoyed them. As an organisation we are always mindful of reusing and recycling but this project has given us the opportunity to try different workshops and experiment using recycled materials, the most successful workshops were the collage and the botanicals (where we followed the Japanese art of Kanzashi – two former Heriot Watt students attended and were very excited at learning this versatile technique.) and these workshops are something we should definitely try again.”


Act for change: Cornucopia


Act for change: woven kinship peebles cuddy litter pick