visit to Berwickshire reuse hub

This month we visited the new Berwickshire Re-Use Hub in Chirnside. 

Runs by BAVS, the Berwickshire Re-Use Hub aims to complement the charity shops by helping the community to reuse larger household items that are too big to be taken.  The public will be able to visit the hub (official opening to be announced soon) to purchase items. 

The re-Use Hub also has a community workshop run by Simon where items can be repaired, restored and re-imagined.  The workshop will also be available to individuals, groups and organisations to use for classes and workshops. 

We really enjoyed exploring the space and were inspired by the ideas and energy of the amazing team of staff and volunteers. 

The Re-Use are keen for local people to be involved, so you are interested in finding out more, whether, just to have a look around or perhaps to volunteer some time then get in touch with team and arrange a visit: 


youth fund is now closed