Health Wellbeing & Climate
Last week we held an event at the wonderful Station House in Stow.
This event was a first of it’s kind brain melt between SBCAN and NHS Borders Public Health Team.
We are thrilled to have had Penny Oliver on the SBCAN Advisory Group from the start and she has been a vital support in the very important Health and Wellbeing thread of our work.
Luckily for us here in the Borders a report has been recently published by Dr Lisa Adams- NHS Borders on Climate and Health in this area and we thought what better to introduce it!
Due to our engagement in the last year we also know that the Climate is a very real worry for people and we touched on this at our Green Summit back in March. We were so pleased to welcome Change Mental Health and their expertise on this. They provided positive steps forward and support that Communities can engage with.
During the event we learned about our communities and how the changing Climate will affect the people who live here physically and may have some impact on our mental health. Penny touched on the changing infrastructure and the ways this will impact health and wellbeing. We also heard from Steph Mackenzie also from NHS Borders about Ways to be Well.
Jim Hume from Change Mental Health talked about ways in which we can support people with their mental health, mental health illnesses and their work in Scotland.
We hope to continue these cosy events through the winter months so watch this space.